Lomane Dietriech, who stars in Tory’s Gangs of Paris film as part of the Saint Germain crew, takes some time out for a Tory Daily quick-fire.
Extrovert or introvert…
Discreetly extrovert.
Discreetly extrovert.
Instagram or Snapchat…
Still Instagram.
Sweet or salty…
Sweet and salty.
Early morning or late night…
Late night.
Beach or mountain escape…
Now I’m dreaming of the beach!
Mix or match…
Heels or flats…
Statement earrings or statement bracelets…
Bracelets. My ears are not pierced!
Left brain vs. right brain…
Right brain for the instinct.
Favorite app…
The key to balancing work and life…
Doing what you truly love. So that work isn’t work anymore.
My zodiac sign…