August 23 to September 22 is a fine time to celebrate our Virgo friends. Detail-oriented and incredibly hardworking, it’s no surprise that Virgos make excellent teachers, healers, editors and musicians. Here, astrologer and Tory Daily contributor Susie Cox tells us what’s in store for the earth sign and its fellow zodiacs.
Happy Birthday, dear Virgo. Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign of Virgo on August 25th and won’t turn direct until September 15th. This is your birthday month to make your life different. What do you want to change? Are you up for a new hair style? Maybe a little birthday shopping spree for a new look. You know you’re ready.
Mars will be entering your sign of Libra on August 28th and won’t turn direct until October 11th. This only happens once every two years, so make the most of it. Mars is the planet of action, so you will be feeling extra energized during this time. Plan for adventurous, bold experiences and you will be pleasantly surprised.
You have some unusual planets in your house of relationships now. Don’t be surprised if some people around you are going through a challenging time. You will have Scorpio insights that will ease their troubles. Make sure to not take anything personally.
This is the month to start a new diet or exercise regime. Being a Sag, you love nature and the outdoors. See if you can get in the habit of taking walks in your neighborhood or even a hike in the country. Connect your inner self with the outer world and your Sagittarius will smile.
There are a lot of planets in Earth signs now that are aligning beautifully with your Capricorn Sun. This will last for the next couple of months, so make sure you use this exciting geometric energy. Focus on what you want and you will get it.
Saturn has been in your sign of Aquarius for the last couple of years and has recently moved into the sign of Pisces. You finally get a break, Aquarius. What did you accomplish in the last two years? Do you feel finished with the old and want to move forward with something new?
The Full Moon will be in Pisces on August 30th. Have a Pisces Full Moon party to celebrate your special time. Saturn is in Pisces and will be next to the Moon and Mercury is retrograde, so plan for a small, quiet and personal party. Only invite your close friends.
There are several planets in fire signs now that are supporting your Sun in Aries. Also, the North Node has just entered Aries too, so you are feeling particularly strong, bold and excited now. You feel invincible. You are!
There are some powerful planets in Earth signs now that are connecting with your earthy Taurus Sun. You will feel especially determined this month to tackle projects that have been on the back burner for a while. Dust them off and finish them. Now is the time.
You have a few planets moving through your house of relationships now. This is the time to be social and go to as many parties as you can manage. Maybe even throw a party yourself. Invite your wildest friends and get a bit raucous. You know you want to!
You are in a cozy mood this month. If you want to stay in bed and read, do it! If you want to eat comfort food, make some yummy soup. This is a month for indulging yourself with contentment.
Venus is still retrograde in your sign of Leo until September 3rd. Have you felt bold in your relationships and asking for what you want? If not, stand up now and ask with a strong voice. This won’t happen again for another year and a half. Now is your time for the big Leo inside of you to emerge!
8月28日に、火星が天秤座に入り、10月11日まで滞在します。火星の滞在は2年に一度のこと。火星のパワーを存分に活用しておきましょう。火星は行動を司る星です。この期間にあなたは、沸き上がるエネルギーを感じるはず。冒険に満ちた大胆なことを体験してみてはいかがでしょう。思いがけない喜びがもたらされそうです。【訳注:英語はturn directとありますが、leaveと解釈しました】
この数年間、土星が水瓶座に滞在していましたが、少し前に、魚座に移動しました。水瓶座のあなたは、やっと一息つけそうです。 この2年間に、あなたは何をやり遂げましたか?以前から取り組んできたことを終わらせて、新しいことに向けて前進しましょう。